Produces warnings if any checks fail (stays silent on success). This function is simply a wrapper for several calls to data_check_table and data_foreign_key. Rules are designed to ensure:

  • primary keys are unique and non-missing

  • all required variables are present

  • variables only contain prescribed values

  • foreign keys are present in relevant primary key table (e.g., all sale$cust_id can be found in cust$cust_id)

data_check(cust, lic, sale)



data frame: customer table (primary key = "cust_id")


data frame: license types table (primary key = "lic_id")


data frame: transactions table (foreign keys = "lic_id", "cust_id")

See also


library(dplyr) data(cust, lic, sale) # a successful check passes silently data_check(cust, lic, sale) # introduce some warnings cust <- filter(cust, cust_id > 5) cust <- bind_rows(cust, cust) cust$res[1] <- "Canada" lic$lic_id[1] <- NA sale$month <- NULL sale$year[1] <- "-2010" sale$year[2] <- 0 data_check(cust, lic, sale)
#> Warning: cust: Primary key (cust_id) not unique: 29995 keys and 59990 rows
#> Warning: cust: Primary key (cust_id) is missing 5 value(s) present in the sale table
#> Warning: lic: Primary key (lic_id) contains missing values
#> Warning: lic: Primary key (lic_id) is missing 1 value(s) present in the sale table
#> Warning: sale: 1 Missing variable(s): month
#> Warning: sale$year: Contains values that aren't allowed: -2010, 0