DON'T USE FOR NAT/REG PREPARATION (where year should be based on sale date)

recode_month(sale, month_range = 0:12)



data frame: Input sales table with at lest 2 variables: dot (transaction date in 'yyyy-mm-dd') and year (numeric license year)


numeric: A vector of months allowed in the output. Defaults to 0:12 since this is a common range of sales. Any months outside the range will be set to either the lowest values (for those less than the range) or the highest value (for those over). This prevents unusual sale months from appearing in results.


Returns a sales table with a standardized 'month' variable and prints a validation output.


The output month variable captures transaction year and month in one metric. The month number is relative to the license year: 1 = Jan, 2 = Feb, etc, for current/future years and 0 = Dec, -1 = Nov, ..., for previous years.

See also

Other functions for standardizing state license data: recode_state, state_abbreviations


# For Southwick analysts: see data preparation scripts